In Ontario, many drivers’ initial reaction is to pay the fine and move on, overlooking the potential long-term consequences. What can sometimes seem like a straightforward solution can also have lasting effects on your driving record, insurance rates, and even your ability to drive. With a deep understanding of traffic law, court procedures, and the legal system, professional legal services can provide a strategic defence aimed at protecting your rights and minimizing the impact of traffic violations.

What types of Traffic Tickets Does Kruse Law Firm Handle?

Kruse law Firm defends the following types of traffic tickets only:

  • Traffic Tickets such as careless driving, stunt driving, or speeding etc. which arise out of the same set of circumstances as a Criminal Code driving charge. For example, if a client is charged with impaired driving or dangerous driving under the Criminal Code and with careless driving arising out of the same factual circumstances , we will defend them on both charges;  and
  • Careless driving causing bodily harm or careless driving causing death (i.e., which are very serious careless driving charges leading to the possibility of a jail term).


Kruse Law Firm does not defend traffic ticket charges where there are no related Criminal Code driving charges, with the two exceptions set out above. 

If you are charged with only careless driving (and not careless driving causing bodily harm or careless driving causing death), or other types of non-criminal Highway Traffic Act charges with no related Criminal Code driving charges,  we will refer you to a top-rated paralegal firm who can handle your traffic ticket much more cost effectively than a law firm can. The paralegal company we will refer you to restricts their practice to defending traffic tickets only. They will have the experience, skill and professionalism you are looking for to get you the best possible result.   


The Impact of Traffic Tickets

Traffic tickets in Ontario can be issued related to a large list of offences under the Highway Traffic Act, from speeding tickets to careless driving and stunt driving. The consequences of a conviction extend beyond the immediate fines:

  • Demerit Points: Accumulating too many demerit points  can lead to a licence suspension.
  • Insurance Rates: Convictions often lead to increased insurance premiums, and can affect your financial situation.
  • Driving Privileges: Serious penalties can result in the loss of your driver’s licence.
  • Potential Jail Time: Even more serious penalties include possible jail time as well as your fine.

Common Traffic Violations Include:

  • Speeding Tickets
  • Careless Driving
  • Stunt Driving
  • CVOR Tickets
  • HOV Lane Tickets
  • Distracted Driving & Cellphone Use
  • Driving White Prohibited
  • Following Too Closely
  • Unsafe Lane Change
  • Unsafe Turn Violation
  • Accident Charges
  • Fail To Remain and/or Report
  • Failure To Stop For School Bus


The Value of a Paralegal in Traffic Ticket Defence

Paralegals are experienced in understanding the nuances of traffic law, the court process, and the best legal arguments to defend against traffic tickets. OTD Legal stands out for its commitment to defending Ontario drivers against traffic offences, ensuring that each client receives personalized attention and the most effective defence strategy for their case.


OTD Legal Services Include:

  • Tailored Defence strategy against a wide range of traffic tickets and offences.
  • Education on the various charges you may be facing as well as the potential consequences and outcomes.
  • Experienced representation in court, advocating on your behalf.
  • Assistance with all necessary documentation and legal procedures.

By choosing a licenced paralegal from OTD Legal, you gain a partner dedicated to navigating the complexities of traffic law, aiming to achieve outcomes such as reduced fines, avoidance of demerit points and licence suspensions, or complete dismissal of charges.


Why Choose OTD Legal?

OTD Legal sets itself apart through a unique blend of experience, integrity, and client-focused service.

Experience: Ron Harper, the founder and leader of OTD Legal, brings decades of experience in both prosecuting and defending traffic charges. His experience ensures that defence strategies are strong and tailored to each client’s specific situation. The team’s exclusive focus on traffic tickets and summonses to court means they are always up to date with the latest changes in traffic law, court procedures and how to correctly defend your charge.

Integrity: OTD Legal operates with the highest levels of professionalism. As officers of the court, the team feels a strong obligation to assist every client to the best of their ability. They operate by extreme transparency and pride themselves on this.

Attention to Clients: The team at OTD Legal treats clients with the respect and the attention they deserve. They understand the stress and worry that comes with traffic tickets and provide peace of mind by being accessible, answering questions clearly and promptly, and keeping clients informed throughout the process.


The Process of Fighting Your Traffic Ticket

Choosing to fight a traffic ticket can be daunting, but OTD Legal simplifies the process for their clients, creating a smooth and easy to understand journey from start to finish.

  1. Initial Consultation: Upon contacting OTD Legal, clients are offered a free consultation to discuss their traffic ticket and explore their legal options. This step involves understanding the specific offence, potential consequences, and strategizing a defence plan.
  2. Evidence Gathering and Legal Preparation: OTD Legal takes the lead in collecting all necessary evidence and preparing legal arguments. Their detailed understanding of the law and the process allows them to build a strong case on behalf of their clients.
  3. Court Representation: If the case does go to trial, the team handles all aspects from negotiating with prosecutors to presenting arguments before the judge, always aiming for the best possible outcome.
  4. Support: Regardless of the outcome, OTD Legal continues to support their clients, providing advice on next steps, whether it’s appealing a decision or understanding the implications of the court’s ruling.


Outcomes and Benefits

Choosing OTD Legal for your traffic ticket defence offers several key benefits:

  • Best Possible Outcome: Whether it’s a dismissal of charges, reduced fines, or avoiding demerit points, OTD Legal always fights for the most favorable result.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have experienced professionals handling your case alleviates stress and allows you to focus on other aspects of your life.
  • Financial Savings: Successful defence strategies can lead to reduced fines and prevent hikes in insurance premiums, offering long-term financial benefits.
  • Driving Privileges: Effective representation can help safeguard your driver’s licence from suspension or revocation.


Traffic tickets can have more severe consequences than most drivers initially realize. It is your right to fight your charge. With OTD Legal, you’re not just fighting a traffic ticket; you are  investing in your future driving record and ensuring you receive the best possible defence available in Ontario. Contact OTD Legal today for a free consultation and take the first step towards fighting your traffic ticket with confidence.

By Published On: February 22, 2024Last Updated: May 7, 2024Categories: Blog, General

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