The second defence is a mistaken belief in consent. You reasonably apprehended or thought the other person was consenting to a fight, but were honestly mistaken that the other person was consenting. I won’t give examples, but certainly I can think of scenarios where that could happen where you could have a mistaken, but honest belief that someone was consenting that you could assault them. For example, you touched them in some manner or even hit them in some manner of play fighting, etc. but in their own mind they were perhaps not consenting. However, they were causing you to believe that they were consenting in some fashion or the objective facts of the situation pointing to their consent.
The third deference to assault of course is the self-defence biggie that which I have done a YouTube video about. I am going to continue to do a further series of videos on self-defence because it is an important area of law, but self-defence is where you have been assaulted by someone else or you thought they were about to assault you and you used reasonable force to defend or protect yourself. Someone has applied force to your or is making movements to assault or threaten you and you reasonably apprehend or perceive that they are going to assault you. i.e. you are about to be assaulted by someone and you defend yourself using reasonable force. This essentially what self-defence is all about
So those are the 3 big defences on how to defend yourself for an assault charge in the Canadian criminal courts.
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