Most people who are charged with impaired driving in Ontario probably didn’t get up that morning and decide to break the law. Unfortunately, life happened. Whether they made a mistake or were falsely accused, they suddenly face criminal charges and the possibility of serious and wide-ranging consequences. Sound familiar?
If you were arrested or charged with a DUI-related offence, understanding the charges, your rights, the potential penalties, and how a lawyer can help you is absolutely vital. Fortunately, you’ve come to just the right place for in-depth information on these technical and extremely complex cases.
At Kruse Law, we know a thing or two about impaired driving cases. Not only does our accomplished legal team include three former Crown prosecutors, but DUI and criminal matters have been the sole focus of our practice since 1993. In that time, we’ve successfully defended many clients and helped them get their lives back on track.
Now, we’ve written the Ontario DUI Defence Guide: What You Need To Know if You’re Charged With Impaired Driving and made it available for free to provide answers to some of the most common questions our clients ask us. Find information on:
- Your rights and obligations after a DUI arrest
- The court process for a typical impaired driving case
- Potential criminal penalties
- Financial consequences associated with DUI convictions
- Choosing an experienced impaired driving lawyer
- And much, much more
Request Your Free Guide Here
Complete the contact form to request a complimentary copy of the Ontario DUI Defence Guide: What You Need To Know if You’re Charged With Impaired Driving.
For more information on our defence services, browse our legal blog. If you’d like to schedule a free meeting to get a quote for your case, please use our online contact form.